Below are various papers we have written and a few spreadsheet calculators we have developed.
There is also additional content on our blog.
White Papers
Ruminations by Other People
Ruminations on Investment Philosophy
Ruminations on Being a Financial Professional
Ruminations on Paying Off the Mortgage
Ruminations on Roth vs. Traditional IRAs
Alpha for Confidence Spreadsheet
Black-Scholes Option Pricing Spreadsheet
Converting Arithmetic to Geometric Averages Spreadsheet
Duration Calculator for Stocks, Bonds, & Mortgages
Efficient Frontier Spreadsheet
Historical Market Downturns Spreadsheet
Investment Return Matrix Spreadsheet
Itemized Deduction Bunching Calculator
Joint Life Probability Spreadsheet
MCS Spreadsheet for Foundations
MCS Spreadsheet for Private Clients (instructions)
One-Person Retirement Plan Comparison Spreadsheet
One-Person Social Security Breakeven Spreadsheet
Pension Option Analysis Spreadsheet
Russell Indices Spreadsheet
Stock Market Trend Spreadsheet
Stocks vs Bonds Spreadsheet
Tax Treatment Comparison Spreadsheet